1988 Sea Ray 17ft

This boat came to me about  7 years ago, back in 2007, from a mechanics shop. They had informed the customer that the transom was rotted and now would be a good time to replace it. In this case we approached it with simplicity. Only the area of the cutout for the out drive was rotted but this was definitely a good time to repair it, the engine was out already and only more problems would occur if the mechanic finished his part of the boat repair.

So it makes good sense to repair the structural areas of this 1988 Sea Ray at this time. With this repair I would like to point out that part of the stringers and floor have to be removed in order to replace the transom, this is the case with all boats needing a transom replacement but as you can tell in the pictures some are more simple than others. This is a straight forward transom repair for an older boat but each boat is different and sometimes it just comes down to whether the boat is worth it or not.

I deal with these situations all the time so feel free to call me about your project.