Photo Gallery:
Category for Custom Work

Here are maybe the odd custom stuff and paint jobs and more


Tractor Trailer Rear Door Cover

Tractor Trailer Rear Door Cover My description might sound strange but that's what this is. Picture this, a specialty designed enclosed tractor trailer car hauler with a rear door that actually lifts up like a home garage door. Over time [...]


1950 Ford Air Handler Box

1950 Ford Air Handler Box Sometimes there are no alternatives but to just have something repaired, no replacement parts available, want to keep it original, or just cost effective. Try to find an original Air Handler Box for a 1950 [...]


2003 Sea Pro CC bait well

2003 Sea Pro CC bait well Sometimes our boats are just not set up the way we want them to be. In this case there just wasn't enough room for a much needed larger bait well. My customer had the [...]


1998 SeaGull Nautica Catamaran

1998 SeaGull Nautica Catamaran This project started out with needing the deck needing to be cut out to replace a leaking gas tank. After working on the project for a little bit I saw some potential for some more storage [...]


Penguin Exhibit

Penguin Exhibit I got a call one day and the person said he had a penguin exhibit at the Georgia Aquarium that was in need of repair. Hmm, sounded interesting so I said send me some pictures so I can [...]